Riverbend Community Church is a non-denominational evangelical church in Lexington, SC. There are three primary distinctives of our vision at RCC: plurality of leadership, Home Group-based ministry, and an intentional strategy for multiplication locally, regionally, and globally.
Plurality of leadership means we practice team leadership at every level of our church ministry including elders, deacons, Home Groups leaders and ministry leaders. This way Jesus Christ is glorified as the literal head of the church and all people are able to serve using their spiritual gifts, passion and calling.
Home Group-based ministry means that while we gather weekly to celebrate what God is doing in our lives, we recognize that to truly grow in our faith and live out Christian community, we must focus on smaller gatherings that promote strong interpersonal relationships.
Intentional strategy for multiplcation means we are intentional in our desire to help fulfill Christ's Great Commission by helping plant churches in our city, in the southeastern US, and around the world.
~The Elders of Riverbend Community Church