Men's Ministry

The purpose of Men's Ministry is fourfold: Teach men to be spiritual leaders at home, work, community, and church. Hold each other accountable to the characteristics of a Godly man as prescribed by Scripture. Support our Home Group Ministry by raising up leaders who make disciples and lead home groups. Offer opportunities, along with our Deacon Ministry to serve our community, with the goal to make disciples.

What to Expect

There is always something going on with the men's ministry. We typically have a men's breakfast on the 1st Saturday of the month at 8:00 a.m. It is a time to share a meal together and study God's word. Be sure to invite your friends.

We also do events throughout the year, including a weekend men's retreat. You don't want to miss it.

Upcoming Men's Ministry Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Do you want to help with the men's ministry?

Volunteers are always welcome. To get more information on volunteering for the men's ministry, let Andrew Walters, Tim Etcheson, or Bob Wilson know or email

Opportunities to serve

  • Event setup/teardown
  • Cooks
  • Teaching
  • Small group leaders
  • Leadership training
  • Discipling